Cathedral of St. Mary the Crowned on Friday 4th March 2022 at 7:30pm
You can download the form below, by clicking here: CFM
25th, 40th, 50th & 60th Wedding Anniversary Celebrations
Mr & Mrs: _________________________________________________________________________
Forenames: Husband ________________________ Wife _______________________________
Nee ________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________
Email: _______________________________________
Tel. No: Home __________________________ Mobile ______________________________
Date of Marriage: ___________________ Church: ________________________________________
N.B. If marriage took place outside Gibraltar please produce a copy of the
Marriage Certificate when handing in this form
This form should be handed in at the Cathedral Bookshop as soon as possible.
You can also email above details/form to duos@gibtelecom.net
Tear off portion; Please keep bottom part of this form for your information.
If your anniversary fell between 1st January 2020 and 31st December 2020 or 2021 you are invited to participate in a special Service at the Cathedral of St. Mary the Crowned on Friday 4th March 2022 at 7:30pm.
At present we don’t know if and the Celebration will take place due to the current COVID-19 situation. We will contact you at a later date.
For further information or queries contact Denise Duo on 57021000, or email duos@gibtelecom.net