THE CHRISTIAN FAMILY MOVEMENT: wedding anniversary celebrations

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Cathedral of St. Mary the Crowned on Friday 4th March 2022 at 7:30pm

You can download the form below, by clicking here: CFM



25th, 40th, 50th & 60th Wedding Anniversary Celebrations


Mr & Mrs: _________________________________________________________________________

Forenames:  Husband ________________________       Wife _______________________________

                                                                                                  Nee ________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________________


Email:                 _______________________________________

Tel. No: Home   __________________________               Mobile ______________________________

Date of Marriage: ___________________ Church: ________________________________________

N.B. If marriage took place outside Gibraltar please produce a copy of the

Marriage Certificate when handing in this form


This form should be handed in at the Cathedral Bookshop as soon as possible.

You can also email above details/form to


Tear off portion;           Please keep bottom part of this form for your information.

If your anniversary fell between 1st January 2020 and 31st December 2020 or 2021 you are invited to participate in a special Service at the Cathedral of St. Mary the Crowned on Friday 4th March 2022 at 7:30pm.

At present we don’t know if and the Celebration will take place due to the current     COVID-19 situation. We will contact you at a later date.

For further information or queries contact Denise Duo on   57021000, or email


Celebrating the 175th ANNIVERSARY of Loreto in Gibraltar

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From the Loreto Newsletter:

“In school, we will be talking to the children about this important historical event and working on projects to mark this year over the next 12 months. To get celebrations off to a flying start, Ms Sciacaluga, supported by Mrs Simpson and past-pupil Conor McGibney, have prepared a video treat for you.
With a huge thank you to all the teachers, staff and pupils for taking part, we hope you enjoy the Loreto Convent School response to the Jerusalema Challenge.”

click here for the JERUSALEMA experience!


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16th December 2020

marks the 175th anniversary of the arrival in Gibraltar of the first Loreto Nuns in Gibraltar. They came here expressly to open a school for Gibraltarian girls, and in fact they opened two. One was a fee-paying school, which was originally situated at Don Place, where the five nuns established their convent. The other, for the poorer children, was set up in a large room at 50 Governor’s Street. Both immediately attracted a large number of pupils.

The party of five nuns were escorted to Gibraltar by the Catholic bishop, Rt Rev Mgr Henry Hughes. They were Mother Angela Kelly, the Mother Superior, and Sister Vincent Clinch, Sister Seraphia Rorke, Sister Placida Byrne and another sister thought to be Sister Josephine Underhill. The eldest of the nuns was just 28 years old.

Thus began the long association between the Loreto Nuns and Gibraltar.

Over the many years that the nuns were at the forefront of education for girls in Gibraltar, while the boys were catered for by the Irish Christian Brothers, the nuns taught in a number of schools.

In 1873, the Loreto nuns opened the Loreto Convent School at Europa Road which is still active today. It is Gibraltar’s oldest school that is still in operation. For many years, and in the period up to the World War II evacuation from Gibraltar, this was a boarding school. Many Spanish families sent their daughters to be educated by the Loreto nuns.

The nuns are fondly remembered by the older members of the community for the many years that they were at the helm of the Loreto Convent School at 6 Convent Place. The former school chapel was converted into an office for Sir Joshua Hassan when the seat of government moved there from Secretary’s Lane.

Indeed the order of the Loreto Nuns was given the Freedom of the City by Gibraltar’s Parliament in 2005. They were the first women to receive this accolade. Today, the spirit of the early nuns who arrived in Gibraltar 175 years ago is kept alive in the Loreto Convent School at Europa Road that continues to thrive.

The events originally planned for this important anniversary have had to be trimmed down hugely because of the Covid 19 coronavirus pandemic. The staff and pupils of the Loreto Convent School will nevertheless mark this milestone internally. It is also expected that a series of messages of congratulations and support will be received from abroad.


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are organizing the annual Diocesan


Have you Celebrated or will be Celebrating your

25th, 40th, 50th or 60th Wedding Anniversary

during 2019?


THE CHRISTIAN FAMILY MOVEMENT will once again be hosting the annual Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebration.


Information and a link to the form are provided below. Also in the Upon this Rock Magazine.

 We look forward to celebrating with you and your families!



N.B. the date on the poster below has been changed to

February 21st

Apologies for any inconvenience.





By | Events, News

are organizing the annual Diocesan


Have you Celebrated or will be Celebrating your

25th, 40th, 50th or 60th Wedding Anniversary

during 2018?


THE CHRISTIAN FAMILY MOVEMENT will once again be hosting the annual Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebration.


Information and forms are provided in the link below. Also in the Upon this Rock Magazine.

 We look forward to celebrating with you and your families!

Click here for more information