The Church recognises the human dignity and rights of all vulnerable persons towards whom it has a special responsibility. The Church and individual members of it undertake to take all the appropriate steps to maintain a safe environment for all and to practise fully and positively Christ’s Ministry towards children, young people and vulnerable adults and to respond sensitively and compassionately to their needs in order to help keep them safe from harm.
The Diocesan authorities will liaise closely with statutory agencies to ensure that any allegations of abuse are promptly and properly investigated and where appropriate, survivors supported and perpetrators held to account.
The Church wishes to ensure that its parishes, Diocesan bodies and associations have the confidence to enable children, young people and vulnerable adults to have peace of mind, knowing they will be cared for and loved by their Christian community.
If you believe that a child or vulnerable adult has suffered or is in immediate risk of suffering significant harm, for example, physical or sexual assault or theft of their property, then you should contact the Police / the Care Agency (Social Services) Department immediately.
In all cases where such a situation arises within a church or church-related context, then the Diocesan Safeguarding Officer should be contacted too.
Useful Contacts
Police (Royal Gibraltar)Working Together to Make Our Community Safer
EMERGENCY 199 & 112
General Enquiries: 20072500
Care AgencyProviding Social Services for the Community |
Enquiries / Reception: 20067653 |
Diocese of Gibraltar SAFEGUARDING Officer |
GHAThe Greatest Wealth is Health |
Ministry for Health, Care and JusticeGovernment of Gibraltar |
Reception: 20007386 |
All Enquiries: 20078528
Head of Adult Services: 20050813 Head of Children’s Services: 20075729 Children’s Services: 20050816 Children’s Residential Services Manager: 20067036
for further INFORMATION you may wish to try these links: |
Holy See: Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors |
Catholic Safeguarding Advisory Service | |
National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children | |