Beginning on St. Andrew the Apostle’s feast day, November 30…
The following beautiful prayer is traditionally recited fifteen times a day until Christmas. This is a very meditative prayer that helps us increase our awareness of the real focus of Christmas and helps us prepare ourselves spiritually for His coming.
Hail and blessed
be the hour and moment
in which the Son of God was born
of the most pure Virgin Mary,
at midnight, in Bethlehem, in piercing cold.
In that hour vouchsafe, O my God,
to hear my prayer and grant my desires,
[here mention your request]
through the merits of
our Saviour Jesus Christ,
and of His blessed Mother.

The Bishop emeritus of our neighbouring sister diocese of Cádiz y Ceuta (Spain), the Rt. Rev. Antonio Ceballos, has died.
He was good, faithful pastor of his flock, and a true friend to the Catholic Church in Gibraltar.
May he rest in peace.
His funeral will take place tomorrow, Friday 23rd September, from Cádiz Cathedral at noon, and will be attended by Bishop Carmel.