Each year, the donations receievd during the Masses of the Epiphany are intended for the Persecuted Christians.
This year, we raised £2,138.17. Thank you all for your kind generosity!
Your donations have been sent to Aid to the Church in Need. This year we are supporting their ‘Ethiopia and Eritrea Appeal’ campaign to help our Christian brothers and sister who are suffering there.
We have received this message from the National Director of ACN(UK), Mr. Neville Kyrke-Smith :
“Many thanks to you and all the faithful in the Diocese of Gibraltar for this great kindness in offering vital help to suffering and persecuted Christians. We are very pleased to acknowledge your kind Epiphany collection gift of £ 2,138.17 which has just reached us at Aid to the Church in Need and we are assigning this to help in Ethiopia and Eritrea.
The work of ACN has had to increase in Africa in recent years, because of the increased attacks on Christian communities and the challenges faced by the faithful. In our latest special report we focussed on what many Christians in Ethiopia and Eritrea endure. However, as Fr Netsanet Yadeta said, there is a wonderful richness of faith. This is true in all the parts of the world where we work thanks to you. For we can all be encouraged this Lent by the words of St Paul (Romans 5:3-5):
‘We rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit which has been given to us.'”.
For more information on this project, please click here to visit the ACN website.